RSS Converts Millions of Indian Muslim Girls to Hinduism: Maulana Naumani

Thu Apr 06 2023
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ISLAMABAD: In a recent video statement, prominent Islamic scholar Maulana Khalilur Rahman Sajjad Naumani alleged that between eight to ten million Muslim girls have been forced to convert to Hinduism in India with the help of training provided by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

Naumani also claimed that Hindu youths who convert Muslim girls are given a reward of 2.5 lakh rupees, a personal house, and a job.

The video statement, which has gone viral on social media, has sparked outrage among India’s Muslim community. Many have criticized the RSS and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for allegedly promoting forced conversions.

In the video, Naumani cited the case of a Hafiz Quran girl who was allegedly coerced into converting to Hinduism.

The girl’s family had reportedly been threatened and offered money to facilitate her conversion.

The plight of Muslims in India

The Indian government has yet to comment on the allegations made by Naumani. However, many human rights organizations have called for an investigation into the matter.

The alleged forced conversions of Muslim girls have become a sensitive issue in India, with many Muslim leaders accusing the government and right-wing groups of attempting to erase the country’s Muslim population.

The government has repeatedly denied these allegations, stating that religious freedom is protected under the Indian constitution.

The video statement by Maulana Khalilur Rahman Sajjad Naumani has further heightened tensions between India’s Muslim and Hindu communities, which have been strained in recent years due to a series of controversial government policies and the rise of right-wing nationalism.

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