Russia and Belarus Conduct Second Stage of Tactical Nuclear Drills

Tue Jun 11 2024
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MOSCOW, Russia: On Tuesday, Russia’s defence ministry announced the commencement of the second stage of tactical nuclear drills involving Russian and Belarusian troops.

The ministry stated that the objective of the drills was to ensure the readiness of both countries’ military personnel and equipment to defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

According to the defence ministry, the exercises will focus on the joint training of units from the armed forces of Russia and the Republic of Belarus for the combat deployment of non-strategic nuclear weapons.

Russia and Belarus Conduct Second Stage of Tactical Nuclear Drills 1

The announcement comes amid heightened tensions in the region and underscores the strategic cooperation between Russia and Belarus in matters of defence. These drills serve as a demonstration of their military preparedness and readiness to respond to potential threats to their security.

The involvement of non-strategic nuclear weapons in the exercises highlights the evolving nature of modern warfare and the importance placed on maintaining a credible deterrent capability by both nations.

As the drills proceed, attention will be closely monitored by international observers, given the implications for regional stability and the broader geopolitical landscape.

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