Russia Claims Capture of Two More Villages in East Ukraine

Sun Jun 30 2024
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MOSCOW: Russia on Sunday claimed that its forces have seized control of two more villages in eastern Ukraine, extending its territorial gains as Ukrainian defenses continue to face significant challenges on the battlefield.

According to a statement from Russia’s defense ministry, its military has “liberated” the village of Novooleksandrivka, marking a further advance into the Donetsk region. This village, situated northwest of the already occupied Ocheretyne, now represents the westernmost point under Moscow’s control in the region.

In addition to Novooleksandrivka, Moscow reported the capture of Spirne, a small village located to the north in the Donetsk region near the border with neighboring Lugansk.

Russia Claims Capture of Two More Villages in East Ukraine

These latest territorial gains are part of Russia’s ongoing military offensive in Ukraine, which has continued for nearly two and a half years. The conflict has seen Moscow-backed separatist forces and Russian troops consistently making territorial advancements in eastern Ukraine, particularly in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

The announcement comes amidst a backdrop of continued clashes and skirmishes between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed forces. Ukrainian troops, vastly outnumbered and outgunned, have struggled to maintain control over their eastern territories, with Russia steadily pushing westwards in recent months.

The conflict has led to significant humanitarian and geopolitical consequences, with Western nations imposing sanctions on Russia and providing military aid to Ukraine in a bid to counter Moscow’s advances. The United States and its European allies have repeatedly condemned Russia’s actions and have called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

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