Russia Expresses Hope for Avoiding Israel-Hezbollah War

Tue Jul 02 2024
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UNITED NATIONS: Russia’s UN ambassador, Vasily Nebenzia, expressed hope that an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah can be averted, emphasizing the need for both sides to understand the severe consequences of such a conflict.

Nebenzia voiced concerns over the escalating rhetoric between Israeli leaders and Hezbollah, with both sides readying for potential conflict. He highlighted that this tension, while currently focused on Lebanon, is a spillover from the longstanding crisis originating in Gaza, which has now spread to Yemen, the Red Sea, and potentially Lebanon.

Speaking at a press conference, Nebenzia outlined Moscow’s agenda as it assumes the rotating presidency of the Security Council for July.

He mentioned the next scheduled Security Council meeting on Lebanon on July 24, which will discuss the implementation of Resolution 1701, adopted in 2006 to resolve the war between Israel and Hezbollah. Nebenzia hoped that an emergency meeting would not be necessary before then to address the situation along the Blue Line, the UN-demarcated border between Israel and Lebanon.

On another front, when asked about recent talks with the Taliban, Nebenzia noted the lack of progress regarding women’s rights in Afghanistan. He expressed frustration that the Taliban’s policies on women and girls are justified by arguments they claim are Islamic, despite many Islamic countries contesting these views. Nebenzia lamented the Taliban’s unwillingness to heed international advice on improving the status of women in Afghanistan.

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