Russia Prepares More Destructive Nuclear Warheads to Strike US, Europe

Wed Dec 14 2022
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MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin appears to have renewed his nuclear power against the Western world by readying a strategic missile that can hit the United States (US) or another European state.

According to a report published by Newsweek, which cited the Komsomolskaya Pravda, a Russian newspaper, Russia’s defence ministry released a video of a ballistic missile (ICBM) on a silo launcher, and widely reported by the Russian media as an apparent warning to the Western world.

According to the Russian newspaper, the missile is “twelve times more destructive than the US bomb that destroyed Hiroshima of Japan.”

Russian warheads can hit US and Europe

The report in the mass circulation newspaper outlined some of the missile’s features, including a launch of 46,000 tonnes weight, an up to 12,000 kilometers (7,456 miles) operational range that can hit the United States or any other European country, and up to 500 kilotons payload.

According to the Russian news agency Sputnik News, as for Russian nuclear weapons, the country currently possesses 5,977 nuclear warheads, while merely 1,426 are deployed. Russia’s 513 deployed delivery vehicles include strategic bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), hypersonic glide vehicles, and nuclear-powered submarines.

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