Russia Slams US Destructive Approach on Israeli–Palestinian Conflict

Tue Oct 10 2023
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MOSCOW: Russia condemning violence against both Jews and Palestinians in Israel and the Palestinian Territories strongly criticized the United States destructive approach of ignoring the need for an independent Palestinian state, Western media reported on Monday.

The Kremlin stressed the need for immediate end to violence saying it concerned about the escalation that could spread into a broader conflict in the Middle East.

West ignored independent Palestinian state

Russia regretted that the West had ignored the independent Palestinian state according to 1967 borders.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the West instead of focusing for an Israeli victory should address the root cause of instability and that is the Palestinian problem.

Lavrov after talks in Moscow with Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit told media that the destructive policy of the United States thwarted efforts within the framework of the Quartet of international mediators.

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He was of the view that the US had sought to monopolize dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis and went away from the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

The Palestinians seek a state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital however all the territory took over by Israel in the 1967 war.

The Quartet set up in 2002, consists of the United Nations, the European Union, the United States, and Russia with a mandate was to help mediate peace and support Palestinians for an independent state.

Aboul Gheit during talks told Lavrov that he agreed about the need to end the violence adding that such events would continue till the Palestinian problem is solved.

The Kremlin said Russia’s embassy had no information about the situation of Russian citizens in Israel.


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