Russia to Finalize Route for Gas Pipeline to China

Wed Sep 06 2023
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MOSCOW: Russia has announced its intention to soon finalize the route for the “Power of Siberia 2” gas pipeline, a massive infrastructure project designed to meet China’s growing demand for natural gas. The Russian government is planning to commence construction of the pipeline in the coming year, shifting its focus toward Asian buyers following its military actions in Ukraine, which prompted a strategic reorientation away from the European market.

Deputy Prime Minister and top energy official Alexander Novak shared insights into the project’s progress, stating, “It is in the final phase,” during an interview with the Russian magazine Energy Policy.

The proposed route for the “Power of Siberia 2” pipeline will traverse southern Siberia, passing near the city of Achinsk before heading eastward towards Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk, ultimately reaching the Mongolian border, according to Novak.

The pipeline project gained significant momentum during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow in March. At that time, Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed that “all agreements” had been reached between Russia and China concerning the pipeline.

Russia Natural Gas Export to China

During Xi Jinping’s visit, Novak had also announced that Russian and Chinese companies would sign contracts related to the pipeline “by the end of the year.” However, the specific timeline for the pipeline’s completion remains unclear.

Russia has been exporting natural gas to China from northeast Siberia through the “Power of Siberia 1” pipeline, which was inaugurated in 2019. The “Power of Siberia 2” project represents a significant expansion of this infrastructure, further solidifying the energy partnership between Russia and China.

As Russia moves forward with its plans to extend the “Power of Siberia” network, it aims to meet China’s increasing demand for natural gas while simultaneously diversifying its energy export markets. This project underscores the evolving dynamics in the global energy landscape, with Russia actively pursuing new avenues to strengthen its position as a major gas supplier to Asia.

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