Russian Ambassador Vows to Increase Trade with Pakistan

Wed Jun 12 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Russian Ambassador to Pakistan Albert Khorev has recognized the tremendous potential for deepening and strengthening bilateral ties between Islamabad and Moscow. He noted the increasing bilateral trade, which exceeded $1 billion last year, and hoped for further growth.


He said “Moscow closely cooperates with Islamabad at various global forums, including the UN, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), and the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC).”


He lauded Pakistan’s independent and measured position on significant global issues and welcomed the increasing bilateral trade between the two nations.


He said that Russia was striving for a genuinely equitable world order, opposing the “collective West’s attempts to instill neo-colonial practices”.  The Ambassador was speaking at a grand reception held to celebrate the ‘Day of Russia’, welcoming representatives from friendly nations around the globe.

In his address, he highlighted the importance of the event and underscored Russia’s current geopolitical challenges.  He admitted that Russia is encountering the most serious challenge in its history with the war with Ukraine.


The envoy expressed his pleasure in welcoming the diverse gathering, noting the potential for achieving unexpected successes through joint efforts.


Addressing regional issues, he reaffirmed Moscow’s dedication to resolving international issues. He also highlighted Russia’s role in advocating for a resolution to the current situation in Gaza based on relevant UNSC and General Assembly resolutions, aiming for the formation of a fully-fledged Palestinian state.


Minister for Petroleum Musadik Masood Malik and several diplomats and local officials also attended the event.


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