SAARC Needs Non-Interference Policy for Regional Prosperity, Says Ex-President

Sun Jun 23 2024
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LAHORE: Former president of the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iftikhar Ali Malik said on Sunday that South Asia, home to two billion people, holds significant potential to mirror the achievements of the EU (European Union) and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).

He emphasized the need for South Asian countries to leverage their geographical proximity to boost socio-economic development across the region.

These remarks were made during meeting with a delegation of prominent industrialists led by Engineer Mian Sultan Mahmood Arain, Secretary General of the Federation of Engineering Institutions of South and Central Asia.

Malik underscored Pakistan’s capabilities, particularly in offering technological advancements like drone technology in agriculture and the production of footballs for global events.

He advocated for increased intra-SAARC trade as a means to alleviate poverty in the region, urging for streamlined business processes and enhanced transport and digital connectivity.

Highlighting Pakistan’s strategic advantage with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Malik proposed that CPEC could facilitate economic connectivity not only within South Asia but also with Central Asian countries via Pakistan.

He cautioned against recent trends in parts of South Asia to form alliances excluding Pakistan and Afghanistan, stressing the importance of regional unity for collective progress.

The former SAARC-CCI president emphasized the principles of “non-interference and non-hegemony,” asserting that adherence to these principles would foster regional connectivity and economic integration.

He envisioned a future where South Asia harnesses its abundant resources and maximizes its potential through enhanced cooperation, trade facilitation, and people-to-people exchanges, essential for sustainable development and mutual prosperity in an increasingly interconnected world.

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