Samjhauta Express Terrorist Attack Victims Waiting for Justice

Sat Feb 18 2023
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News Report

ISLAMABAD: India’s government continues to refute justice to the relatives of victims of the Samjhauta Express terrorist attack despite availability of solid evidence even following the passage of 16 years to the terrible incident.

A report released by a group of media on the completion of sixteen years to the lethal attack said that on February 18, 2007, 68 people, mostly Pakistani citizens, were killed in an explosion in Samjhauta Express – a cross-border train service between India and Pakistan. The report added that terrorists of Hindutva planted the bombs with the connivance of Indian secret agencies.

Hindu terrorists were behind Samjhauta Express blasts

The report condemned that the Indian judiciary acquitted 4 Hindu terrorists despite the solid evidence of their involvement in the heinous terrorist act. According to the report these culprits were acquitted due to their strong links with Hindutva.

The report pointed out that the court issued the decision after a Hindu extremist affiliated with RSS, Swami Aseemanand – the mastermind of the terrorist attack – confessed to the heinous crime during the investigations. He told the investigators that Hindu terror groups were behind the Samjhauta Express blasts.

The media group report added that the acquittal of culprits suggested that Hindu extremists enjoy exemption under Modi-led fascist government in India and that the court’s verdict in this connection was a reflection of India’s state policy to safeguard the Hindu terrorists.

It grieved that the Indian agencies had accused a Pakistan-based group despite seeing a clear Hindutva connection to the Samjhauta explosion.

The report added that Samjhauta Express blast was a false flag operation aimed at defaming Pakistan. The media report pointed out that India’s secret agencies had staged dozens of Samjhauta Express explosions like false flag operations to defame Pakistan. It said that the international community must realize that the RSS-sponsored fascist BJP regime is a serious threat to world peace.

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