Saudi Arabia and Japan to Strengthen Bilateral Relations Across All Fields: PM Kishida

Mon Jul 17 2023
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RIYADH: Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida embarked on a three-day visit to the Middle East, starting with Saudi Arabia, where he emphasized the intention to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries.

In an interview with Al-Riyadh newspaper, Kishida highlighted the significance of the “strategic” partnership, which has seen continuous growth beyond the oil sector.

Kishida emphasized that Saudi Arabia plays a pioneering role in the Arab and Islamic world and has consistently worked towards establishing peace and security in the region. Recognizing the Kingdom’s pivotal position, he expressed Japan’s keenness to closely collaborate with Saudi Arabia, offering expertise and modern technologies within the framework of the Saudi-Japanese Vision 2030. Launched in 2016, this joint vision encompasses over 100 projects and involves the participation of more than 60 ministries and government agencies from both countries.

The prime minister’s visit to Saudi Arabia marks the first by a Japanese leader since the late Shinzo Abe’s visit in 2020. Kishida’s itinerary also includes visits to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar, aiming to strengthen Japan’s relations with Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and foster cooperation across various fields, particularly in the energy sector.

Japan’s Oil Imports from Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar

Notably, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar account for more than 80 percent of Japan’s total crude oil imports. Against the backdrop of Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, which has raised concerns about energy supplies, Kishida is expected to urge Arab countries to stabilize the oil market by increasing production.

Additionally, as the UAE hosts the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28) later this year, Kishida plans to discuss cooperation on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the transition to hydrogen power. Japan has been actively developing greener and renewable energy technologies in its pursuit of becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

The visit underscores the commitment of both Saudi Arabia and Japan to enhancing their bilateral ties and exploring avenues for collaboration in various sectors. The discussions on energy stability, climate change, and technology exchange reflect the shared interests and mutual benefits that can be achieved through strengthened cooperation between the two nations.

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