Saudi Arabia Braces for Thunderstorms and Hail

Mon Oct 09 2023
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RIYADH: Civil defence authorities in Saudi Arabia have issued a warning regarding the persistent likelihood of thunderstorms in most regions of the country. This weather phenomenon is expected to persist from Monday through Friday, as reported by the state-run SPA news agency on Sunday.

The General Directorate of Civil Defence has called on the public to exercise caution and seek shelter in secure locations, while avoiding areas prone to floods, waterlogged regions, and valleys susceptible to accumulation of water.

The civil defence authority has also stressed the importance of refraining from swimming in these hazardous areas, highlighting the inherent risks involved. They have further urged the populace to stay informed and adhere to official instructions disseminated through their social media channels.

According to the authority’s weather forecast, the Makkah region is likely to experience moderate to heavy rains, potentially leading to torrential downpours, hailstorms, and strong winds carrying dust and debris. This weather alert extends to several areas, including Taif, Maysan, Adham, and Al-Ardiyat, in addition to the regions of Asir, Jazan, and Al-Baha.

In the Makkah region, light to moderate rainfall and active downward winds are anticipated, resulting in dusty conditions. This forecast encompasses the Holy Capital as well as Al-Jamoum and Al-Kamel. Similar weather conditions are expected in the regions of Madinah, the Northern Border, Al-Jawf, Tabuk, and Hail.”

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