Saudi Arabia Emphasizes Need to Achieve Global Health

Wed May 29 2024
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GENEVA: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Health Fahd bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel has emphasized the need for continuing efforts and enhanced international cooperation to address any future health risks in pursuit of the ultimate goal of “Health for All” and the well-being of the world’s population. the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Tuesday.
He expressed the remarks at the opening of the 77th World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva.
He stressed to find long-term solutions to address gaps in pandemic preparedness and response measures globally.
He highlighted efforts to amend international health regulations, negotiate the formulation of a pandemic treaty, and strengthen international work and cooperation to address any future health risks.
The health minister emphasized the need to achieve the necessary response to the threat posed by antimicrobial resistance, saying the Kingdom looks forward to the United Nations’ declaration on this matter and hosting the fourth Global High-level Ministerial Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) on November 15-16 in Jeddah.
He also affirmed that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza has entered its eighth month, with ongoing and alarming violations by Israel. He added the number of victims is approaching 40,000, mostly children, women, and elderly individuals. Additionally, there is a serious deterioration in healthcare services, the minister said in its speech.

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