Saudi Arabia, Luxembourgian Foreign Ministers Discuss Gaza Situation

Mon Oct 30 2023
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RIYADH: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah has discussed the current situation in Gaza over telephone with Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister and European Affairs Jean Asselborn, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Sunday.

Saudi Arabia, Luxembourgian Foreign Ministers Discuss Gaza Situation

According to the SPA, during the phone conversation, the Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs hailed Luxembourg’s decision to vote in support of the UN resolution issued on Friday, 27 Oct.

The UN resolution calls for immediate humanitarian cease-fire in the besieged the Gaza Strip in compliance with the global laws and norms and the global humanitarian law, the SPA added.

The Foreign Ministers also discussed the latest developments in and around Gaza, emphasizing the need for the world to fulfill its role in bringing about an urgent truce that ensures complete protection for civilian population.

The Ministers also stressed the need to facilitate the entry of humanitarian, relief and medical help to stop the aggravation of the humanitarian crisis experienced by the people in Gaza, the SPA further said.

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