Saudi Arabia To Gear Up For Tourist Facilitation by setting Up New Promotion Offices

Sun Feb 25 2024
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Riyadh: A business center for its tourist attractions will be established to attract more tourists and achieve the goal of transforming the kingdom into a world of national and international destinations. This is one of the rules of the Saudi Arabian Tourism Authority approved by the Board of Directors last week.

Ahmed Al-Khateeb, Minister of Tourism and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Arabian Tourism Authority, said that the approval of the rules regarding the organization of the company by the Council of Ministers acknowledges the government’s continued support for tourism. Realizing the economic relationship with the business world with the 2030 vision. Common goals. Al-Khateeb said that the main development that the Agency has seen is the government’s interest in creating and supporting the business sector in general and the Corporation in particular.

The law makes 24 promises to the authorities to promote the Kingdom as a world and local tourism destination and attract tourists. . Oversees the Office and the Tourism Office, sets business objectives and budgets to enhance the role of tourism.

The government has approved the organization of the Saudi Tourism Authority with the aim of achieving tourism goals according to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and ensuring that the Kingdom Garden plays an important role in promoting it as world tourism. regionally and internationally.

According to the new regulations, the authorities are required to take all necessary measures to achieve the goal of creating plans and policies suitable for the business sector in the Kingdom of the country and the world with those who are worthy of meeting him. In addition to promoting and marketing the events and activities of government institutions and private enterprises, the authorities also take into account the business of the venue and present the developments in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism.

The law states that authorities, in cooperation with the authorities, must establish and regularly update information on all tourist attractions, attractions, resorts, services and activities. It should carry out activities regarding the promotion of Umrah packages, including the development and management of a platform prepared for this purpose in cooperation with relevant organizations. In addition, efforts will be made to evaluate visitors’ experiences, develop appropriate standards, tools and procedures, identify priorities and problems encountered by visitors, and report results and information about the work as well as the work done.

The authorities should publish the necessary policies and procedures and apply to the Ministry of Tourism for the development of tourists and places in need of renovation or modernization, as well as cooperation with local and international companies and companies in order to provide professional products and equipment and benefit. From his expertise in domestic trade.

The regulations also stipulate that authorities must cooperate with the private sector to produce products, offer them in the local and international markets, in print and on platforms, and organize further business work with regional and international organizations in their own right. business. In addition to working with Organizations within and outside the Kingdom and exchanging experiences, opportunities to improve the visitor experience in the Kingdom will also be explored.

The organization must conduct business within and outside the Kingdom to promote tourists and products, prepare trademarks, register commercial transaction rights and other intellectual property rights in its name, and do and benefit from all activities related thereto.

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According to the new rules, Nature authorities must create advertising plans to promote the tourism industry, use them both within and outside Saudi Arabia, organize and hold meetings, conferences and exhibitions within and outside Saudi Arabia. and we participate in cooperation with relevant organizations.

The Authority will provide management, consultancy and consultancy services to owners and businesses of tourism products in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and will cooperate with small and medium-sized enterprises to promote the right to work in small and medium-sized enterprises. To create and implement targeted training programs in large-scale enterprises to increase the efficiency of the tourism industry, as well as to cooperate with local and international schools to improve the qualifications and skills of employees in this field.

The organization is also responsible for supervising the work of advertising and advertising agencies and recommending resources for the development of the country’s tourism in all tourism areas determined by the agency according to economic activity.

The organization is obliged to develop and cooperate with the country’s world tourism policy by cooperating with the Ministry of Tourism, government institutions and private enterprises to develop policies for tourism and promote tourism products outside the borders of the Kingdom. Authorities should cooperate with the tourism industry to determine travel according to the tourism industry plan and work with relevant authorities in every way to ensure that the experience meets international standards.

The law also supports the tourism industry’s ability to meet its needs and objectives, enabling it to play an important role in supporting the Kingdom’s promotional ability. The Kingdom is a regional and international business center and attracts many tourists. In addition to creating products for the world, promoting the private sector and participating in the most important local and international tourism meetings and events.

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