Saudi Deputy Interior Minister Calls on Pakistan’s Prime Minister

Wed May 17 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Dr. Nasir bin Abdul Aziz Al-Dawood, the Deputy Minister for Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, paid a visit to Pakistan’s Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif in Islamabad on Wednesday.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister expressed gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its support during last year’s devastating floods. He also extended his appreciation for Saudi Arabia’s assistance in the evacuation of stranded Pakistanis from Sudan amidst worsening law and order conditions.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister commended the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for including Pakistan in the “Road to Makkah” project, which will facilitate Pakistani Hujjaj (pilgrims) traveling for Hajj this year through the Islamabad International Airport.

PM Shehbaz Sharif also expressed hope that the recent agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to normalize ties would contribute to regional peace and security.

In response, the Saudi Deputy Interior Minister conveyed his gratitude for the warm hospitality extended to him and his delegation during their visit to Pakistan.

Deep-rooted Relations Between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia

He emphasized the deep-rooted history of brotherly ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. He also expressed satisfaction with the fruitful meetings held with Pakistani ministers for Interior, Religious Affairs, and Narcotics Control during his visit.

Furthermore, the Deputy Interior Minister informed the Prime Minister that the “Road to Makkah” project would be extended to Lahore and Peshawar from the following year to facilitate a greater number of Hujjaj in fulfilling this important religious obligation.

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