Saudi Falcon Auction Sets New Heights with SR7 Million in Sales

Fri Nov 17 2023
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RIYADH: The Saudi Falcon Club has successfully concluded its fourth falcon auction, recording impressive total sales exceeding SR7 million ($1.9 million).

The auction, held at the club’s Malham headquarters near Riyadh from October 1 to November 15, featured 87 falcons, showcasing the Kingdom’s rich falconry heritage.

The highlight of the auction was a falcon from East Arar, securing its place as the most expensive, with a remarkable price tag of SR300,000. Walid Al-Taweel, the club’s official spokesman, emphasized that the event aims to promote Saudi Arabia’s falconry traditions, supporting cultural and economic activities while offering investment opportunities that contribute to the national economy’s development.

As a testament to the auction’s success, two participants were awarded cars on the closing night, and an additional 20 prizes worth SR5,000 each were distributed to winners. Notably, four falcons presented by the Shaheen Farkh category of Saudi owners were auctioned for a total of SR351,000, with individual prices ranging from SR63,000 to SR141,000.

The Saudi Falcon Club continues to play a pivotal role in preserving and promoting the Kingdom’s falconry heritage, creating a platform that merges tradition with economic growth. The success of the auction reflects the deep-rooted cultural significance of falconry in Saudi Arabia and underscores the enthusiasm and investment opportunities it generates.

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