Saudi Health Ministry Urges Pre-Hajj Vaccinations Through Sehhaty App

Thu May 16 2024
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RIYADH: The Saudi Ministry of Health has urged individuals in the Kingdom who plan to go on Hajj this year to receive their vaccination shots and to register them through the Sehhaty app, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday.

The mandatory vaccinations include a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and one dose of influenza vaccine, along with a dose of the meningitis vaccine taken within the last five years. These vaccines are vital for the well-being of pilgrims during Hajj.

The ministry said that vaccinations for local pilgrims are available at all primary healthcare centers. Those intending to perform Hajj this year should get an appointment via the Sehhaty app.

Completing vaccinations before Hajj is necessary because of the gathering of large crowds from different parts of the world performing rituals in one place, which may expose them to infection with a number of contagious diseases prevalent in some countries, the ministry said.

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Following health guidelines before coming to the holy sites protects both pilgrims and service workers, helping to safeguard against diseases that could affect Hajj rituals. Such action also ensures the safety of individuals arriving from abroad in Saudi Arabia.

Pilgrims from outside Saudi Arabia must obtain specific vaccinations before Hajj, including for yellow fever, meningococcal disease, and polio.

The ministry emphasized the necessity of only using approved vaccines in Saudi Arabia, including those against seasonal influenza and COVID-19 as well as updating vaccinations against chickenpox, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella.

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