Saudi Interior Minister Inspects Hajj Security Forces Preparations: SPA

Tue Jun 11 2024
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RIYADH: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) Interior Minister and Chairman of the Supreme Hajj Committee Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud has inspected the preparations of the security forces for this year Hajj, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Tuesday.

Saudi Interior Minister Inspects Hajj Security Forces Preparations SPA

The Interior Minister was briefed on the plan of the General Directorate of Civil Defense for this year’s Hajj season, by the acting DG of Civil Defense, Major General Hammoud bin Suleiman Al-Faraj, where he showcased how they make use of modern and latest technologies and artificial intelligence, including the smart platform that uses surveillance cameras to detect smoke, fire, emergency like situations and risk forecasting, which enhances the speed of response of civil defense teams, immediate intervention and provision of necessary help.

Saudi Interior Minister Inspects Hajj Security Forces Preparations SPA 1

The Minister also received updates on the technical service for licensing pilgrims’ accommodation firms by scanning a QR code installed at the entrances of the tents hosting pilgrims during the Hajj. Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud also reviewed the digital-twin technology, which relies on integration with the geospatial portal for the civil defense teams during the Hajj season by building an interactive map of the holy sites to distribute manpower and determine the supervisory scope of each field unit.

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