Severe Fog Leads to Flight Disruptions, Motorway Closures in Pakistan

Sun Jan 21 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Heavy fog has engulfed several regions of Pakistan and prompted the closure of motorways and causing traffic disruptions, local media reported on Sunday. In precautionary measures, traffic was diverted on several routes as visibility dropped significantly.

Motorway M1, linking Islamabad to Peshawar, is closed for traffic while the M2 is closed from Lillah to Islamabad, disturbing travel plans for commuters in the country.

As per media reports, in the southern areas, heavy traffic entry from Lahore to Kot Momin on M2 has been stopped, creating problems for those on the road.

Severe Fog Leads to Flight Disruptions, Motorway Closures in Pakistan

The M3 also faces closure for heavy traffic from Faizpur to Darkhana, and the M4 is also closed for traffic from Multan to Pindi Bhattian, both parts under the influence of fog.

In the Multan to Zahir Pir stretch, the M5 is also closed for heavy traffic, further complicating travel plans for people.

Moreover, for the latest updates on motorway fog, the M14 motorway is briefly shut down from Hakla to DI Khan, further contributing to the list of affected roads because of the adverse weather conditions.

Many flights faced cancellations and diversions because of dense fog, significantly impacting operations at Islamabad International Airport, local media reported.

Similarly, visibility plummeted below 150 metres in Islamabad, posing a serious safety concern for the flight operations.

The PIA spokesperson highlighted the airline’s commitment to passenger safety and the well-being of staff.  It added that PIA management values all its guests and airport staff engaged in providing the best possible services.

Several other flights including PK-451/452 to Skardu, PK-211/212 ,PK-233 to Dubai, PK-308 to Karachi  were affected by the weather conditions.

Moreover, flight PK-236 from Dubai (UAE) to Lahore was cancelled, while flight PK-726 from Riyadh to Lahore is scheduled to be diverted to Karachi due to fog in the country.

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