So-called Indian Democracy’s Real Face is Daily Witnessed in IIOJK

Fri Sep 15 2023
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ISLAMABAD: In conjunction with the International Day of Democracy, the global community pauses to reflect on the essence of democratic values and practices across nations. However, within this observance, a stark reality emerges concerning the state of democracy in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) under the governance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his administration.

Kashmir Media Service recently published a report shedding light on the grim situation, asserting that the Indian government is blatantly disregarding democratic principles in IIOJK, where the populace lives in a state of constant tension due to an oppressive military presence.

The report boldly states that India’s claim to democracy is nothing more than a facade, brutally suppressing the Kashmiri people’s fundamental right to self-determination through sheer military force.

Demise of India’s purported democracy

The demise of India’s purported democracy is evidenced daily in the violence-ridden regions of Kashmir, particularly exacerbated since August 5, 2019, when the Modi-led government unlawfully stripped the territory of its special status.

The report emphasizes the continued resilience of the Kashmiri people, who, despite enduring over seven decades of Indian oppression, remain unwavering in their pursuit of freedom, and resolute in their struggle for self-determination. The Modi-led Hindutva government may attempt to stifle their voices through coercion, but it cannot extinguish their cry for justice and autonomy.

It is imperative for the international community to acknowledge the harsh reality of India’s current state under Modi’s leadership, one that veils a Hindu fundamentalist regime in the guise of democracy. The report urges the United Nations to fulfil its moral and legal obligations in ensuring the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination.

The time has come for justice-seeking individuals worldwide to unite in solidarity with the besieged Kashmiris, demanding an end to their suffering and advocating for their fundamental rights in the face of adversity.

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