Social Media Key to Transparency, Accountability: Pakistan Minister

Tue Jul 09 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Planning and Development Minister Professor Ahsan Iqbal on Tuesday emphasized the pivotal role of social media in enhancing citizen engagement, transparency, and participation in governmental and political processes.

Speaking at the “Digital Democracy in Action: Enhancing Engagement through Social Media” event organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), he underscored how social media platforms have revolutionized communication, enabling instantaneous interaction, mobilization, and information dissemination.

According to Ahsan Iqbal, social media provides a platform for diverse dialogues, allowing individuals from all backgrounds to voice opinions, share concerns, and contribute to national discourse. He highlighted the democratization of communication facilitated by these platforms, which fosters a more inclusive and participatory political environment.

As of 2023, Pakistan boasted over 71 million social media users, representing about 31 percent of the population—a testament to the extensive potential impact of digital engagement. Ahsan Iqbal emphasized that social media can bolster government transparency and accountability through real-time updates and direct communication channels, enabling officials to keep the public informed about policies, developments, and initiatives.

While acknowledging the benefits, Ahsan Iqbal also cautioned about the risks associated with social media, such as misinformation and fake news, which can sow public panic, provoke social unrest, and erode trust in democratic institutions. Referring to a 2022 survey revealing frequent encounters with fake news among Pakistanis, he stressed the need for responsible social media use.

Despite these challenges, the minister advocated harnessing social media’s potential for educational outreach, community mobilization, and advocacy for social change. He urged for responsible usage to promote inclusivity, participation, and transparency within Pakistan’s political landscape.

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