Solangi Pays Tribute to Kashmiris’ Unwavering Struggle Against Indian Illegal Occupation

Mon Feb 05 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Minister for Information, Broadcasting and Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Solangi on Monday while paying rich tribute to the Kashmiris for their unwavering struggle against Indian illegal occupation renewed Pakistan’s support for their right to self-determination.

In a message marking Kashmir Solidarity Day, Solangi emphasised that the Kashmir issue remains one of the longest-standing matters on the UN Security Council’s agenda. He underscored Pakistan’s continuous efforts to seek a resolution in line with the aspirations of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and the relevant resolutions of the United Nations.

Solangi Pays Tribute to Kashmiris Unwavering Struggle Against Indian Illegal Occupation 2 Solangi Pays Tribute to Kashmiris Unwavering Struggle Against Indian Illegal Occupation 1

Solangi pointed out that the persistence of the Kashmir issue is primarily attributed to India’s obstinacy and its consistent violations of human rights and international laws. He commended the resilience demonstrated by the Kashmiri people against Indian oppression and tyranny, noting India’s employment of inhumane tactics, fascist laws, and state terrorism in IIOJK.

Expressing confidence in the eventual triumph of the people of IIOJK over Indian oppression and illegal occupation, Solangi emphasized that resolving the Kashmir issue according to the Kashmiri people’s aspirations is essential for lasting peace in South Asia.

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Highlighting Pakistan’s role in safeguarding the fundamental rights of the Kashmiri people, Solangi mentioned the measures taken to expose Indian atrocities in IIOJK to the global community. He reiterated Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to raising the Kashmir issue at every available platform.



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