South African President Welcomes Overwhelming Interest in BRICS Expansion

Wed Aug 23 2023
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JOHANNESBURG: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has enthusiastically welcomed the significant interest expressed by more than 40 countries seeking to join the influential BRICS bloc, composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

The South African President emphasized the growing stature and influence of the BRICS family, highlighting its appeal to an expanding group of nations seeking to align with the world’s emerging economic and political powerhouse.

The BRICS leaders’ summit, attended by esteemed figures including Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Brazilian leader Lula Da Silva, and Russian counterparts, convenes to discuss crucial matters and improve business relations among these dynamic economies.

President Ramaphosa, speaking at the opening address of the 15th BRICS Summit at the Sandton Convention Centre, described this year’s summit as a landmark event that could potentially reshape Africa’s international relations and global positioning. He underlined the importance of the requests made by over 40 countries aspiring to join BRICS, emphasizing that the growing interest testifies to the bloc’s increased stature and relevance in the international arena.

As the summit commences, discussions on the table include strategies to enhance business facilitation within the bloc and foster mutual cooperation.

Global Influence of BRICS Bloc

“The interest shown by these countries in joining BRICS shows that the BRICS family is growing in stature and influence in the world,” President Ramaphosa declared. He highlighted that the BRICS leadership would thoroughly consider these requests during the summit and collectively chart a path forward. The inclusion of these countries, Ramaphosa noted, would further fortify and enhance the standing of the BRICS group on the global stage.

Reports leading up to the summit revealed that numerous countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Algeria, Bolivia, Indonesia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Comoros, Gabon, and Kazakhstan, have signaled their interest in joining the forum.

These countries’ enthusiasm for BRICS membership reflects a broader dissatisfaction among developing nations with the current global order, a sentiment exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, during which wealthier nations monopolized access to life-saving vaccines.

Several countries, including Iran and oil-rich Saudi Arabia, have sought to become members of the BRICS bloc, citing its potential for fostering a more equitable global landscape. Argentina, buoyed by China’s formal support, has also expressed its aspiration to join the group.

The BRICS summit presents a pivotal opportunity for the existing member states to deliberate on the expansion and consider the prospect of extending the bloc’s reach to nations seeking to align with its shared principles and objectives.

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