S African Protest Rally Outside US Consulate on Gaza

Sat Jan 13 2024
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JOHANNESBURG: In a display of solidarity with the Palestinian people, protest demonstrators gathered outside the US consulate in Johannesburg, South Africa, demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The protest is part of a global movement condemning the ongoing Israeli brutalities in Gaza.

Al Jazeera reported that the protesters were holding the United States accountable for its role in supplying Israel with significant amounts of military equipment during the course of the military operation in Gaza. The protesters accuse the US of complicity in the bombardment of the Palestinian people, intensifying their calls for an end to the violence.

South Africa Moves ICJ Against Israel for Genocide in Gaza

The protest gained momentum as South Africa filed a case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), charging Israel with genocide. This legal action has added weight to the demonstrators’ demands for an immediate ceasefire and increased humanitarian assistance for the people of Gaza.

Roshan Dadoo, a leader of South Africa’s Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, emphasized the determination of the protesters. “We are going to be here until we can make sure there is a ceasefire and sufficient humanitarian assistance for Gaza,” stated Dadoo.

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