South Africa’s ANC Launches Election Season Amid Challenges

Sat Feb 24 2024
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DURBAN: The African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa launched its election campaign on Saturday ahead of the May 29 polls, facing unprecedented challenges, including soaring unemployment, a slow economy, and internal dissent.

President Cyril Ramaphosa and his rival, Jacob Zuma, are both expected to address separate events in the pivotal KwaZulu-Natal province, which is considered a key battleground.

Since its rise to power in 1994, the ANC has seen a significant decline in support due to allegations of corruption and mismanagement. With polls indicating potential losses in KwaZulu-Natal, which is Zuma’s stronghold, the party is striving to maintain its parliamentary majority. Zuma’s alliance with an opposition group adds to the complexity, as he seeks to diminish the ANC’s electoral dominance.

South Africa’s ANC Launches Election Season Amid Challenges

The public feud between Ramaphosa and Zuma will be on display as the ANC expects to gather 85,000 activists in Durban for the launch of its election manifesto, while Zuma hosts an event nearby in Scottburgh.

KwaZulu-Natal, being the second-most populous province, is crucial in gauging the ANC’s nationwide support, given its significant ANC membership. However, the party faces competition from the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Zulu nationalist Inkatha Freedom Party in the region.

Analysts warn that the ANC’s performance in KwaZulu-Natal will have implications for its national standing, highlighting the province’s pivotal role in shaping the party’s electoral fortunes.


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