South China Sea: Biden Vows to Defend the Philippines If China Attacks

Thu Oct 26 2023
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WASHINGTON: In a clear and assertive message, US President Joe Biden Thursday issued a warning to China, emphasizing the United States’ unwavering commitment to defending the Philippines in the event of any attack within the disputed South China Sea.

The President’s stern remarks came in response to a series of incidents involving Filipino and Chinese vessels in the contested waters, which have heightened tensions in the region.

The Philippines, a long-standing ally of the United States, has long contested China’s expansive claims within the South China Sea. Recent incidents, including two collisions between Filipino and Chinese vessels, prompted President Biden to reiterate his administration’s “ironclad” defense commitment to the Philippines, reassuring Manila of the United States’ support.

The cornerstone of this commitment is the Mutual Defense Treaty signed in 1951 between the United States and the Philippines. This treaty binds both nations to come to each other’s defense in the event of an armed attack. President Biden emphasized the gravity of this agreement, stating, Any attack on the Filipino aircraft, vessels, or armed forces will invoke our Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines.

President Biden’s remarks on the South China Sea represent the strongest stance taken by a US leader regarding tensions between China and the Philippines in recent months. These comments serve as a reminder of the United States’ enduring alliance with the Philippines and its commitment to ensuring regional stability.

China stance

China’s response to President Biden’s statement was predictably defensive. Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning asserted that the US had “no right to get involved in a problem between China and the Philippines.” She also underlined the importance of actions taken by the US not infringing upon China’s sovereignty and maritime interests in the South China Sea.

The recent incidents that spurred President Biden’s statement occurred within the Philippines’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), a territory over which the Philippines has sovereignty. In one instance, a collision between a Chinese coast guard ship and a Filipino supply boat took place, while in a separate incident, a Philippine coast guard vessel was reportedly “bumped” by a Chinese militia boat. These events have been characterized by both the Philippines and the United States as provocations on the part of Chinese vessels.

Gilberto Teodoro Jr, the Philippines’ defense minister, accused China of deliberately hitting Filipino vessels and distorting the story to serve its own interests. President Biden echoed these claims, stating that the Chinese vessels had “acted dangerously and unlawfully” during these incidents.

The South China Sea holds immense strategic significance, and the Philippines’ proximity to this region makes it an important ally for the United States. The South China Sea is a potential flashpoint in the Pacific, with territorial disputes among various nations, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan. The United States has a vested interest in ensuring stability and adherence to international law in this region.

It’s worth noting that the Philippines’ recent foreign policy under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, who took office in June 2022, marks a significant departure from the pro-China stance of his predecessor, Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte had faced criticism for not taking stronger action against China’s aggressive claims in the South China Sea, even in the face of a legal victory by the Philippines in an international tribunal that invalidated China’s vast territorial claims.

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