South Korean Ambassador Visits Swat, Admires Beauty of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Thu Mar 28 2024
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PESHAWAR: South Korean Ambassador to Pakistan Park Ki Jun was touched by the enchanting beauty, rich cultural heritage, and strong family values of Pakistan, especially in the picturesque regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Swat.

During a visit to Swat, the Park Ki Jun lauded the genuine warmth and hospitality that leaves a lasting impression, said a statement released on Thursday.

Ambassador Strongly Welcomed

Sardar Waqar Shahzad, alongside four generations of the Gujjar family, warmly received the envoy into their home, where a tree was planted symbolizing the growing friendship.

The Korean ambassador was accompanied by his spouse during the visit.

The family members of Sardar Waqar Shahzad and the locals extended a very warm welcome to visiting guests. The envoy was particularly impressed by the strong family system and bonding of Pakistani society.

During the visit, gifts were exchanged, solidifying the cultural exchange between the two countries.

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