SpaceX Company Receives US approval For Deployment of Around 7,500 satellites.

Fri Dec 02 2022
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WASHINGTON: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the US has said that it has approved a bid from SpaceX to deploy up to 7,500 satellites but also has kept some other decisions.

SpaceX’s Starlink is a fast-growing and advanced network of more than 3,500 satellites revolving in Earth’s low orbit.

SpaceX has tens of thousands of consumers in the United States at the time, and users are paying at least $599 for using the user terminal of SpaceX and spending at least amount of$110 monthly for major services of the company.

SpaceX to first-generation satellites

In 2018 US FCC approved the Plan for SpaceX to deploy up to 4,425 first-generation satellites in Earth’s lower orbit.

Earlier SpaceX sought government approval to operate and launch a network of 29,988 second-generation satellites known as the Gen2 Starlink constellation. These second-generation satellites are mandated to provide Internet to areas having no Internet access.

Bring satellite next generational broadband services to Americans

In their approval order statement, FCC said that our decision to allow SpaceX to deploy Gen2 Starlink satellites would bring satellite broadband services of the next generation to Americans nationally and globally.

Approval Granted to allow global satellite broadband service to eradicate the digital diversion globally on Internet and Communication Services, FCC added.

Protect satellites and ground-based operators

In this decision to be approved, the FCC said that this decision would protect satellites and terrestrial and technological operators from facing harmful and unsafe interference and provide a secure space and safe environment to preserve orbital resources and spectrum for future operations and usage.

In August, a US court maintained the decision of the FCC in 2021, providing approval for the plan to deploy a few Starlink satellites at a lower orbit of Earth. FCC approval is linked to its policy to offer space-based broadband Internet Service.

In September this year, SpaceX challenged the FCC’s decision to deny providing $885.5 million in rural broadband subsidies for the company.

Chairwoman of FCC Jessica Rosenworcel said in August that Starlink’s satellite technology “has real promise” but could not meet the program’s requirements, anticipations and commitments. Rosenworcel cited data showing a steady decline in Internet speeds over the last year, casting services’ price too steep for users and customers.

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