Stanford Graduate Receives Long-Awaited Master’s Degree 83 Years Later

Thu Jun 27 2024
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STANFORD, USA: Virginia “Ginger” Hislop, aged 105, achieved a significant milestone at Stanford University when she walked across the stage to finally receive her master’s degree in education.

This achievement, decades in the making, celebrated the coursework she completed back in 1941.

On June 16, amidst cheers from her family including grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Hislop received her degree and master’s hood at Stanford’s Graduate School of Education diploma ceremony. School dean Daniel Schwartz hailed her as “a fierce advocate for equity and the opportunity to learn,” praising her lifelong dedication to education.

Hislop’s educational journey began when she earned her bachelor’s degree in education from Stanford’s School of Education in 1940. Her initial plan was to pursue a master’s degree to start her teaching career, inspired by her grandmother and aunt who were pioneers in education.

However, her plans were interrupted by World War II when her boyfriend, George Hislop, was called to serve. They got married, and Virginia postponed completing her thesis and receiving her master’s degree. Despite this delay, she remained deeply committed to education, later becoming actively involved in the Yakima School Board of Directors, co-founding Yakima Community College, and serving on the board of Heritage University for two decades.

Reflecting on her journey, Hislop expressed gratitude for the recognition, stating, she said that she waited a long time for this. She highlighted her efforts in improving the local school system and advocating for educational opportunities for all children, driven by a belief that “everybody should have a crack at higher education if they wanted.”

Hislop’s story is a testament to perseverance and dedication, embodying the spirit of lifelong learning and service to community. Her late-in-life achievement at Stanford University serves as an inspiration to all who strive for educational excellence and equity.

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