Stray Dogs in India Find Leisure on Govt Hospital Beds

Wed Dec 07 2022
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Monitoring Desk

JABALPUR, INDIA: A couple of stray dogs were seen sleeping in hospital beds in a Madhya Pradesh government hospital in India.

A video shot by a local has caused an uproar calling into question the state of health infrastructure. According to media reports, stray dogs camped out on the beds of a government hospital in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. A man posted a video on the internet that caused an uproar.

Stray Dogs in India Find Leisure on Govt Hospital Beds 1

Local resident captures stray dogs on camera

A resident, Siddharth Jain made a video of dogs sleeping on beds in a government hospital in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Siddharth Jain first made a video of the banners displayed in the hospital, in which there were clear instructions, including taking special care of cleanliness.

Siddharth then entered a room and shot a video where stray dogs could be seen sleeping on the patients’ beds. As per media reports, the Chief Medical Officer of Jabalpur ordered an investigation after the video went viral.

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