Students from Balochistan, Ex-FATA to get free education at Bahawalpur University

Thu Oct 13 2022
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Islamabad—Islamia University Bahawalpur has decided not to charge any dues from the students of Balochistan and Ex-FATA enrolled in the university.

The decision was taken to encourage and facilitate the youth from these areas to acquire higher education and to promote national integration and nation building. According to the details, released by the University, 50 percent of expenses will be paid by the government and remaining 50 percent by the university itself.

The decision has been taken as per the policy decision of the government of Pakistan. The University has issued a fresh notification regarding the new educational package for students from Balochistan and Ex-FATA. On direction of the Prime Minister, students who were expelled by the university earlier have also been reinstated and all the notices issued earlier about expenses and fees have been cancelled. The decision was made in a meeting held at Punjab Governor House which was chaired by Governor Punjab. The meeting was attended by the Chancellor, Federal Minister for education, Federal Secretary education, Executive Director Higher Education Commission and political leadership from Balochistan.

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