Study Claims E-cigarettes, Tobacco may Raise Covid Risk in Healthy Young

Sun Feb 12 2023
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Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD: A new scientific research study has shown that vaping electronic cigarettes and smoking tobacco may raise the risk of developing severe Covid illness among healthy young people, a new study has revealed.

Vaping, as well as smoking, may predispose individuals to the development of severe covid, increased inflammation, as well as cardiovascular complications that follow a viral infection, according to a study that was published in the Journal of Molecular Medicine.

The study’s lead author and a professor of medicine at the University of California, Dr Theodoros Kelesidis highlighted the key message as being that though smoking is the worst, vaping is also not innocent.

Lead author of study says vaping changes levels of most important proteins

Kelesidis added that this observation has also been seen for other diseases apart from Covid. This has been shown for many lung diseases but not for Covid. A novel and interesting novel finding is that vaping changed the levels of the most important proteins that the virus utilizes to replicate.

He said that users of e-cigarette users are likely to be at a higher risk than individuals who do not smoke of developing inflammatory disorders and infections of the lungs.

Furthermore, Kelesidis maintained that electronic cigarettes are not harmless and recommended they to be used for the shortest possible time when quitting smoking, and never by non-smokers.

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