Studying In US: A Comprehensive Guide for Pakistani Students

Mon Jun 10 2024
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Studying in the United States (US) offers many opportunities and experiences for the students of Pakistan. However, many students are unaware of the process, available scholarships, its requirements and eligibility criteria.

Here is a detailed overview of the essential steps to study in a foreign country like United States (US).

1-When to Start the Process?

Pakistani students can apply for many levels of education in the US. They can apply for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs. The most common intake periods are in the fall which starts in August/September and spring which starts in January. Summer programs are also offered in some institutions.

Undergraduate Programs: A student should start planning and preparing at least 1-2 years before the intended start date of admission in different universities of US. This timeline includes preparing for standardized tests, researching universities and gathering other necessary documentation.

Graduate Programs: For graduate programs start preparations 1-1.5 years in advance. This includes taking standardized tests like GRE or GMAT, obtaining letters of recommendation, and also writing personal statements.

Visa Application: A student should apply for a student visa (F-1 visa) at least 3-6 months before the start of the program.

2-Finding Scholarships in the US

University Websites: International students are offered scholarships in many universities of US. Students should visit the financial aid or section for international students on university website.

Scholarship Databases: Websites like Cappex, Fastweb, and provide comprehensive databases of scholarships.

US Embassy and Education USA: The US Embassy and Education USA provide valuable resources and counseling services to students for finding scholarships.

How to Find Scholarships:

Online Research: Students should use search engines to find scholarships available for Pakistani or international students.

Networking: Students should connect with alumni, educational consultants, current students, and people who can provide insights and recommendations.

Educational Institutions: Students should check with their current career counseling institution or international office for detailed information on scholarships.

3-Role of Educational Institutions

Pakistani educational institutions can also play a very important role in informing students about scholarships of US. They can:

Organize Workshops and Seminars: Educational Institutions can host events for students to educate them on scholarship opportunities and the application process for different available scholarships.

Provide Counseling Services: Dedicated counselors can guide students about scholarships through the search and application procedures.

Collaborate with US Institutions: Pakistani educational institutions should establish partnerships with the universities of US. It can lead to more scholarship opportunities for Pakistani students.

Disseminate Information: Educational institutions should regularly update their students through websites, newsletters, and social media about available scholarships and their deadlines

4-Scholarships Available for Pakistani Students in the US

Several scholarships are specifically available for Pakistani students:

Fulbright Program:

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program offers opportunities for graduates, artists and young professionals from various countries to pursue studies and research in the United States. Operating in over 160 countries worldwide, the program grants approximately 4,000 scholarships annually to foreign students. Administration of the Fulbright Foreign Student Program is managed by binational Fulbright Commissions/Foundations or U.S. Embassies, where all program applications are processed.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicant must reside in the country of nomination at the time of application.

Applicant must possess the equivalent of a U.S. degree of bachelor with a good academic record at the time of program start date.

Applicant must be fluent in English, as demonstrated by a recommended recent score of no less than 550 (Paper Based TOEFL), 79-80 (Internet Based TOEFL – IBT), or 6.5(Overall Score IELTS).

Applicant must not hold U.S. citizenship. Dual citizenship is also not eligible for the program participation.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program:

The ten-month Fellowship program is designed for mid-career professionals who have shown strong leadership, a dedication to public service, as well as the ability to take advantage of a self-directed program of independent study at a prestigious U.S. university.

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Eligibility Requirements

Applicant must be a citizen of an eligible country.

Applicant must have an undergraduate degree.

Five years of full-time professional experience is required by the applicant.

The applicant must have demonstrated leadership qualities as well as a record of public service in the community.

Applicant must have very limited experience in the United States

Applicant must have good English-speaking skills.

United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP):

The United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) plays a very important role in promoting educational and cultural exchange between Pakistan and the United States (US). It administrates various scholarships and exchange Programs, cultural and educational events, English Language Programs.

Overall, USEFP serves as a bridge between Pakistan and the United States (US), facilitating educational exchange and cooperation to promote mutual understanding and development.

University-Specific Scholarships: Many US universities offer need based and merit-based scholarships for international students, including those from Pakistan.

5-Requirements for Scholarships

Requirements for US scholarships may vary, but here are some general requirements.

Academic Excellence: Academic achievements and high GPA.

Standardized Test Scores: Good scores on tests like GMAT, SAT, ACT, or GRE.

English Proficiency: IELTS or TOEFL scores to show English proficiency.

Personal Statements/Essays: Well-written essays explaining your career and academic goals.

Letters of Recommendation: Strong recommendations from professionals or teachers.

Extracurricular Activities: Involvement in leadership roles and extracurricular activities.

6-Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria for every scholarship is different but generally it may include:

Nationality: Applicant must be a Pakistani citizen.

Academic Level: US Scholarships may be available for undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate programs.

Field of Study: Some scholarships are specific to certain fields such as technology, science, engineering, or arts.

Career Goals: Demonstrated commitment to the field you have chosen and how it aligns with the mission of scholarship

7-Ineligibility for US Scholarships

Ineligibility for US scholarships may occur due to:

Incomplete Applications: Incomplete forms or missing documents.

Low Academic Performance: Not meeting the test score or the minimum GPA requirements.

Lack of English Proficiency: Insufficient IELTS or TOEFL scores.

Previous Visa Violations: Other legal issues or history of visa violations.

Failure to Meet Deadlines: Submitting your applications past the deadline.

8-Recommended Websites for US Scholarships

The following websites are highly recommended for students searching US scholarships.

Education USA: It offers advising centers worldwide and comprehensive resources. A database of scholarships, financial aid and grants.

Fastweb: Provides internship matching services and scholarship.

Cappex: Lists scholarships and allows students to compare colleges.

Fulbright Program: It provides information on Fulbright scholarships and application guidelines.

USEFP: It provides detail on scholarships and exchange programs for students of Pakistan.

Pursuing education in the United States is a significant opportunity for Pakistani students, offering access to diverse experiences and world-class education. By starting the process early, meeting the necessary requirements, and utilizing available resources, students can secure scholarships. Educational institutions in Pakistan can play a very important role in guiding and supporting students throughout this process, ensuring they have the best possible chance of securing

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