Survey Found Strong Acceptance of General Election Results Among Pakistanis

Wed Feb 07 2024
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ISLAMABAD: As Pakistan prepares for the general elections of 2024, a recent survey conducted by IPSOS revealed that a significant majority of the population is inclined to accept the general election 2024 results.

According to the survey findings, 75 percent of Pakistanis have opined to accept the election outcomes, highlighting a considerable level of confidence in the electoral process. Only 7 percent expressed skepticism and are unlikely to accept the results, while 17 percent remain uncertain.

Survey, General Election, Pakistanis, Pakistan, PTI, PML-N, PPP, JI,

Demographic analysis of the survey data indicated that acceptance of the election results tends to increase with age and in rural areas.

Survey, General Election, Pakistanis, Pakistan, PTI, PML-N, PPP, JI,

Overall, 76 percent of Pakistanis are poised to accept the election results, with the highest acceptance rate among respondents aged 51 to 65 years (82 percent). Whereas, 72 percent of the respondents aged 18 to 24 years have opined to accept the election results.

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Interestingly, the survey also found variations in acceptance levels among voters of different political parties. While 67 percent of PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) voters are inclined to accept the election results, a larger proportion of PML-N (Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz) voters, at 87 percent, express readiness to accept the outcomes. Similarly, 94 percent of PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party) voters and 87 percent of JI (Jamaat-e-Islami) voters are likely to accept the election results.

Ipsos Poll on Pakistanis acceptability of 2024 election results-6Feb24

The survey, conducted independently by IPSOS, aimed to provide insights into public opinion regarding the upcoming elections and was not sponsored by any external entities. IPSOS initiated and conducted the study with the objective of understanding the perspectives and sentiments of citizens in Pakistan and across the globe regarding their world.

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