Symbol of North Korea-China Friendship Closed Amidst Strains in Relations

Fri Jun 14 2024
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DALIAN: Amidst a potential strain in relations between North Korea and China, the “footprint tribute,” known to commemorate the stroll and friendship building between Chairman Kim Jong-un and President Xi Jinping during Kim’s visit to Dalian, China, in May 2018, has been removed.

Located on the beach of Bangchui Island, where the two leaders held talks and built camaraderie, the tribute can no longer be found anymore, multiple sources said. Recent photos obtained by JoongAng Ilbo show the presence of two pairs of footprints facing the same direction, symbolizing the historic meeting between Kim and Xi. The photo shows only traces covered with black asphalt concrete where the footprints used to be.

Although there has been no official announcement from the Chinese authorities regarding the installation of the tribute, it is widely recognized to have been installed to commemorate the stroll of the two leaders.

There is speculation in diplomatic circles that the removal of the footprints would have been impossible without President Xi Jinping’s approval. A local source familiar with the development said, “There is a high possibility that the central government issued directives for the removal.”

Another source mentioned, “It is also known that the ‘7th Exhibition Hall,’ previously located in a restaurant near the Bangchui Island beach, has been closed,” adding, “Chairman Kim had also come by the exhibition hall as it displayed photos of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il’s tours to Bangchui Island.” The exact timing of the closure of the exhibition hall and the removal of the footprint tribute has not been confirmed.

Oh Kyung-seop, a researcher at the Korea Institute for National Unification, said, “This decision seems to be made as there is no longer a need to keep or manage the tribute, whether due to issues in North Korea-China relations or for any other potential reason.”

Considering the symbolism inherent in the meeting between Xi and Kim, more questions are arising. Chairman Kim made a surprise visit to Dalian only a month before the first North Korea-US summit (June 12, 2018). Chairman Kim, who rode a private aircraft on his way to China, had a tight schedule in the order of the official meeting, welcome dinner, stroll on the Bangchui Island beach, and luncheon with President Xi Jinping. The highlight of the event was the beach stroll.

At the time, Xi and Kim walked side by side, showcasing their friendship with only interpreters accompanying them. Bangchui Island has been a place where Chinese leaders have visited to host foreign leaders or relax since the time of Mao Zedong. Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-un’s grandfather, also visited the island many times. This location also serves as the background of Chairman Kim and President Xi’s ‘stroll diplomacy.’

At the time of the summit, China’s state-owned news outlet, CCTV repeatedly aired scenes of the two leaders strolling on the Bangchui Island beach. According to the Korean Central News Agency, Chairman Kim described North Korea-China relations as a “new heyday” and “an inseparable one body” to which President Xi responded, “The two countries are destined partners, bound by an unchanging relationship of loyalty.”

Against this backdrop, some view the disappearance of the footprint tribute and the closure of the exhibition hall as indications of turbulence in the relationship between the two countries.

In fact, recently, the North Korean Foreign Ministry exhibited an unusual stance by issuing a statement criticizing China along with the ROK and Japan immediately after the trilateral summit on May 27. On the same day, North Korea launched a military reconnaissance satellite. This can be interpreted as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with China by Chairman Kim.

Diplomatic sources said, “Despite this year marking the 75th anniversary of North Korea-China diplomatic relations, North Korea seems to be seeing China’s attitude as exceedingly inflexible.” On Zhao Leji’s visit in April the sources added that “although the third highest-ranking Chinese official visited North Korea, the country was dissatisfied because his visit did not ‘bear any gifts’.”

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