The Cruelty Against Stray Dogs: A Call for Compassion and Humanity

Tue Jun 11 2024
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Sadaf Ibrar

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In recent times, we have frequently encountered distressing news about the plight of stray dogs in various regions. Reports from the internet and electronic media highlight that in many places, these animals are perceived as a nuisance, leading to a call for their extermination. When municipal authorities fail to respond, citizens often take matters into their own hands, resorting to brutal and inhumane measures to kill these dogs. However, such narratives often present a one-sided view, neglecting the broader ethical and moral considerations.

One particularly alarming incident occurred in Liaquatabad, Karachi, where a group of boys killed a dog by throwing it from a height simply because it was looking for food. This act of cruelty was captured and shared on social media, leading to the apprehension of the perpetrators. Nevertheless, a prominent private TV channel shockingly defended the boys, portraying them as innocent and justifying their heinous act by blaming the dog for merely seeking sustenance. Such media coverage not only distorts the reality but also undermines the seriousness of animal cruelty.

Another heartbreaking event took place in Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where local body officials tied a live dog to a car and dragged it, showcasing a disturbing display of barbarism. In Punjab, a malicious audio message incited the mass killing of stray dogs, further inciting violence by threatening to harm anyone who attempted to protect these animals. These incidents highlight a profound moral crisis within our society.

The Ethical and Religious Perspective

As a nation, we must introspect and question our values and ethics. Our religion, Islam, and cultural heritage emphasize compassion, mercy, and respect for all living beings. The Quran states that every creation has a purpose, and nothing is created in vain. Allah’s creation, including animals, deserves to be treated with kindness and dignity. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself demonstrated immense compassion towards animals, advocating for their welfare and condemning any form of cruelty.

The Role of Media

The media has a significant role in shaping public opinion and attitudes. Unfortunately, some media outlets have failed to uphold their responsibility by trivializing acts of cruelty and presenting skewed narratives. Instead of justifying violence against animals, media should highlight the importance of humane treatment and promote awareness about animal rights. It is imperative that media organizations adopt a balanced and ethical approach in their reporting, emphasizing the need for compassion and legal protection for stray animals.

The Way Forward: Compassion and Legal Reforms

Addressing the issue of stray dogs requires a multifaceted approach that includes public awareness, community involvement, and legislative reforms. Here are some key steps that can be taken:

Public Awareness Campaigns: Educate the public about the importance of the humane treatment of animals. Highlight the benefits of compassion and the legal consequences of animal cruelty.

Community Programs: Encourage communities to take responsibility for stray dogs through programs like feeding stations, shelters, and vaccination drives. Promote the adoption of stray dogs to reduce their numbers on the streets.

Legal Reforms: Strengthen animal protection laws and ensure strict enforcement. Implement harsher penalties for acts of cruelty and establish mechanisms for reporting and addressing animal abuse.


Spaying and Neutering Programs: Control the population of stray dogs through widespread spaying and neutering initiatives. This will help reduce the number of animals on the streets and prevent overpopulation.

The brutal treatment of stray dogs is a stark reflection of our moral decay as a society. It is essential to remember that every living being has a right to exist and deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. By embracing our ethical and religious values, promoting public awareness, and implementing effective legal measures, we can create a more compassionate and humane society. Let us work together to stop the cruelty against stray dogs and ensure a better world for all creatures, great and small.


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