The Distressing Plight of Afghan Students and So-Called Afghan-India Friendship

Sun Mar 31 2024
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KABUL: The plight of Afghan students who were pursuing education in India prior to the collapse of the Afghan Republic in 2021 has come to the forefront, with approximately 3,000 students finding themselves stranded due to visa issues. These students, now facing uncertain futures, are voicing their frustrations and questioning the sincerity of the so-called Afghan-India friendship.

Despite their continued efforts, these Afghan students have been unable to secure visa extensions from the Indian government, leading to the disruption of their studies and loss of employment opportunities. Their pleas for assistance have fallen on deaf ears, leaving them disillusioned and in despair.

On the other hand, over 7,000 Afghan students have found refuge in Pakistan, where they continue their education in various graduate and post-graduate programs. This stark difference in treatment has led many Afghan students to question the nature of the relationship between Afghanistan and India, raising doubts about India’s reliability as an ally.

The Distressing Plight of Afghan Students and So-Called Afghan-India Friendship

Afghan Students Question So-Called Afghan-India Friendship

The Afghan students lament the lack of attention from Indian authorities towards their challenges, highlighting the disparity in support compared to their peers in Pakistan. With their dreams of education shattered and their futures hanging in the balance, these students emphasize the need for clarity in identifying true friends and foes.

Speaking anonymously due to fear of reprisal, one Afghan student expressed his frustration, saying, “We came to India with hopes of a better future, but now we are left stranded with shattered dreams. The Indian government’s indifference to our plight has left us feeling betrayed.”

Another student added, “We have reached out to various authorities and organizations for help, but our pleas seem to have fallen on deaf ears. It’s disheartening to see the stark contrast in treatment between us and Afghan students in Pakistan.”

The Afghan students’ predicament highlights the harsh reality faced by many people amidst political turmoil, where promises of friendship and support often crumble in the face of practical challenges.

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