The Government of Pakistan is Still Dedicated to Social Justice and the Voluntary Return of Refugees, as Evidenced by President

Tue Jun 20 2023
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ISLAMABAD, Jun. 19:Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan, has stated that his country is adamant about ensuring the safety of refugees and encouraging their voluntary return home.

“It is remarkable that, even after forty years, there have been no untoward incidents or frictions between the refugees and the host communities, exemplifying the harmonious coexistence and mutual respect that prevails,” the president said in his message on World Refugees Day, which is annually observed on June 20.

He noted that the Day served as a timely reminder of the government and people of Pakistan’s monumental efforts in providing shelter to millions of Afghan refugees over the course of four decades.

According to him, Pakistan’s unmatched humanitarian efforts in sheltering so many displaced people despite the country’s limited resources are evidence of the country’s fraternity and compassion.

“This day, observed annually on June 20, brings into focus the hardships endured by refugees and emphasises our commitment towards supporting them during these challenging times,” he said.

According to the head of state, Pakistan is still home to one of the world’s largest refugee populations.

He continued, “Despite the challenges posed by meagre resources, the people and government of Pakistan opened their arms to Afghan refugees on the basis of the principles of humanity and solidarity.”

The Government of Pakistan is Still Dedicated to Social Justice and the Voluntary Return of Refugees, as Evidenced by President

During the early years of hosting Afghan refugees, he noted, Pakistan got financial and burden-sharing support from the international community, but that support has since diminished.

Pakistan, he maintained, had done everything it could for the displaced people.

The policies of Pakistan, he continued, allowed them to get back on their feet and start again with respect for themselves and their families.

He added that Pakistan was continuing to collaborate with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organisations to ensure that refugees inside Pakistan’s borders had access to the help they needed.

According to President Alvi, Pakistan has established extensive educational programmes to provide Afghan refugee children with access to quality education.

He thanked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other international organisations for their efforts to aid refugees.

“Let us continue to uphold the values of compassion, empathy, and inclusivity that define us as a nation,” he said.

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