The Human Toll of the Ukraine War: Uncertainty and Secrecy

Wed Feb 21 2024
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PARIS: Two years since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the human cost of the conflict remains shrouded in secrecy and uncertainty. While official figures offer glimpses into the devastation, the true extent of civilian and military casualties remains unknown, with both sides withholding information.

Reliable figures for civilian deaths are elusive due to restricted access to Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia. Ukrainian authorities reported 10,368 recorded civilian deaths, but estimate the actual toll to be around 50,000, with many casualties from the siege of Marioupol and other razed towns.

The UN’s human rights office acknowledges the toll is likely higher than the confirmed 10,000 deaths.

Across the Russian border, at least 145 civilians have been reported killed.

Both Ukraine and Russia obscure their military losses, often making unverified claims of heavy casualties inflicted on each other.

Ukrainian estimates suggest over 405,000 Russian troops killed or wounded since the invasion, while Russia claims 383,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed or injured.

Independent estimates from US officials put Ukraine’s military losses at 70,000 dead and 100,000 to 120,000 injured. Russian losses are estimated at 120,000 dead and 170,000 to 180,000 injured.

UK Armed Forces minister James Heappey suggested Russian losses exceed 350,000 dead and injured.

Amid conflicting accounts and obscured data, the true toll of the Ukraine war remains obscured, highlighting the devastating impact on both civilians and military personnel caught in the midst of conflict.

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