The Perfect Way to Slice a Mango

Thu Jun 27 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The sweet flavor and juicy texture of mangoes make them a favorite fruit for many. However, preparing them can be intimidating if you do not know the right techniques. Here is a way, how to get perfect slices:

To properly slice a mango, start by peeling it with a paring knife or vegetable peeler. Once peeled, stand the mango upright on a cutting board with the broader end resting on the surface. Remember that mangoes have a large pit in the center. Begin slicing from the top down, keeping the knife as close to the surface of the pit as possible. Rotate the fruit and repeat until all the flesh is removed from the pit. Then, cut these large pieces into slices of your desired size.

Use the slices immediately or store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week. Don’t discard the peels—they can be used to make a delicious mango peel chutney.

Ways to Use Mango Slices

Mango slices are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. Slices are particularly preferred for dishes like mango-topped toast, fruit salads, and the classic Thai mango sticky rice.

You can also freeze mango slices in airtight containers to use later in smoothies, sorbets, or as a refreshing snack on a hot day. Additionally, mango slices can be added to salads, seafood dishes, yogurt parfaits, and oatmeal. For a unique twist, try grilling the slices to bring out a caramelized flavor that pairs wonderfully with spicy dishes.

Whether you use mango slices fresh, frozen, or cooked, they add a delightful tropical essence and vibrant visual appeal to nearly any dish, making them a valuable staple in the kitchen. Their natural sweetness enhances both savory and sweet recipes alike.


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