Thousands of Afghan Beauty Salons on the Verge of Permanent Closure

Tue Jul 25 2023
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KABUL, Afghanistan: In a disheartening turn of events, thousands of beauty parlours scattered across Afghanistan are on the verge of permanent closure following an authoritative order issued by the Taliban authorities.

The decision not only strips women of one of their few sources of income but also robs them of a cherished space for social interaction.

Since seizing control of the country in August 2021, the Taliban government has enacted a series of oppressive measures targeting women’s freedoms. They have banned girls and women from attending high schools and universities, forbidden their presence in public recreational areas like parks, funfairs, and gyms, and mandated them to cover themselves fully when out in public, according to local media.

Adding to this wave of restrictions, a recent order has demanded the closure of thousands of women-run salons nationwide. These salons, which often serve as the sole financial support for households, represent one of the dwindling opportunities for women to socialize outside the confines of their homes.

One Kabul salon customer, Bahara highlighted the dismal reality that women have been left with nowhere to go to enjoy themselves or connect with one another since they are barred from entering entertainment venues.

The closure order, issued by the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, set a deadline for salons to shut down by Tuesday. The rationale behind the decision was that lavish spending on makeovers created financial hardships for less privileged families, and certain salon treatments were deemed un-Islamic.

The ministry claimed that excessive makeup usage hindered women from performing proper ablutions for prayer, while eyelash extensions and hair weaving were also condemned. Shockingly, the order was traced back to “verbal instruction from the supreme leader,” Hibatullah Akhundzada, as stated in a document quoted by foreign media.

Over the past two decades of US-led occupation, beauty parlours had flourished in Kabul and other Afghan cities. Not only were they viewed as havens for women to socialize away from men, but they also provided crucial business prospects for females in a society where opportunities for them were limited.

Sweeping beauty parlour ban to have huge financial impact

However, the sweeping beauty parlour ban will now result in around 60,000 women losing their livelihoods from the approximately 12,000 salons affected, as estimated by the Afghanistan Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Richard Bennett, the special rapporteur for Afghanistan, recently presented a report to the UN’s Human Rights Council, describing the plight of women and girls in the country as among the worst in the world. He pointed out that the Taliban’s ideology and rule perpetuate grave, systematic, and institutionalized discrimination against women, sparking concerns about gender apartheid.

In the face of these harsh realities, Afghan women are once again grappling with the devastating consequences of oppressive restrictions on their freedom, opportunities, and livelihoods. As the international community observes these developments with concern, many are left hoping for a brighter and more inclusive future for the women of Afghanistan.

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