Timeline of SSG Operation Against TTP Terrorists in Bannu

Wed Dec 21 2022
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By Zeeshan Mumtaz

ISLAMABAD: One of the detained terrorists of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) overpowered a duty soldier in the Bannu Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) compound inside Bannu Cantt.

After snatching the constable’s weapon, the terrorist freed his 34 other companions. Immediately after getting out of the cells, these terrorists acquire more weapons from the center and started firing. In the indiscriminate firing, the terrorists killed one CTD Police constable and injured another. The injured constable later died in hospital.

Major Abid Zaman of SSG Injured During Operation

TTP actions inside the CTD compound18 December 2022

The TTP terrorists took hostage the junior commissioned officer present there for investigation. Security forces from Bannu Cantt immediately reached at the location and cordoned off the area as soon as the sound of firing was heard from the CTD compound in Bannu. Immediately after the siege of the CTD compound on 18 December 2022, two terrorists were killed, three were arrested, and two security forces personnel were injured in exchange for fire.

Plan of security forces against TTP

Effective cordon by the security forces of the CTD compound foiled every escape attempt by the terrorists present inside the CTD center. These efforts to persuade the terrorists to surrender unconditionally continued for the next two days.

Demands of TTP terrorists Evening of 18 December 2022

Terrorists of TTP demanded the government of Pakistan to provide safe passage to Afghanistan. The government said there is no question of accepting the demand and it was made clear to the TTP terrorists.

SSG Operation 20 December 2022

On December 20, on the directions of the government of Pakistan, the Special Operations Anti-Terrorism Unit (ATU) of the Special Services Group (SSG) of the Pakistan Army took heavy action against the terrorists of TTP present inside the CTD compound.

The Zarrar Company of SSG, Pakistan Army conducted a hostage rescue operation at the CTD compound at the Bannu Cantonment gate. The ATU began the operation at 12:25 PM and breached the gate of the CTD compound with explosives and entered inside. At the beginning of the operation, all hostages ran out of the CTD compound.

Zarrar ATU ended the anti-terrorism operation at 12:45 PM, within 20 minutes. As the operation ended, 25 terrorists were counted to be killed, during the fierce exchange of fire between terrorists and security forces. Security forces arrested three terrorists while seven surrendered.

Pakistan Army losses20 December 2022

During the Bannu operation, three sons of the soil were martyred fighting bravely against the terrorists. Subedar Major Khurshid Akram, Sepoy Saeed, Sepoy Babar are among the martyrs. Ten soldiers of the Pakistan Army including two officers were injured in the operation. Pakistan Army is determined to uphold the writ of the state. Pakistan Army is committed to eliminating the phenomena of terrorism from Pakistan. The great sacrifices of martyred brave soldiers have strengthen the determination further, according to the officials.

Sepoy Saeed and Sepoy Babar Embraced Shahadat
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