Tips About How to Reduce Kids Screen Time

Tue Nov 21 2023
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FAISALABAD: One of the biggest challenges of parenting in 2023, perhaps in the coming years, is kids’ extensive use of screens through modern devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptops, television screens, smartwatches, and video game consoles.

Many households are currently engaged in discussions on how to curtail kids’ screen time. The obsession with screens has been affecting children’s mental and physical well-being.

Dr Usman, a child specialist highlighted that prolonged periods of remaining in a fixed posture contribute to spinal cord issues while children’s vision is also affected. Dr Usman advised parents to encourage physical activities including physical games and online learning.

According to a study, prolonged slouching over a mobile phone puts up to 27 kg of weight on the neck, which could also affect the spine.

Research indicates that extended periods of bending over mobile phones put up to 27 kg of weight on the neck, potentially affecting the spine. It is estimated that on average, children and adolescents dedicate 5 to 7 hours daily to smartphones and handheld devices, with their heads tilted forward for reading and texting. The cumulative effect of this exposure results in excessive stress on the cervical spine, reaching an alarming average of 1825 to 2555 hours a year.

Therefore, it becomes imperative for clinicians and health care providers to assess and accurately characterize the condition in order to adopt all the procedures for the screening of subjects at increased risk as well as for timely diagnosis and treatment in childhood.




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