Torrential Rain Triggers Devastation in KP; 19 Dead, 83 Injured

Sat Jun 10 2023
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PESHAWAR: Heavy rainfall and strong winds have wreaked havoc in several districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, resulting in the deaths of at least 19 people and injuries to approximately 83 others.

According to the latest reports, numerous accidents caused by the severe weather conditions have claimed the lives of at least 19 individuals, while around 83 people have suffered injuries.

The district of Bannu has been particularly hard-hit, with 11 tragic fatalities and 73 individuals sustaining injuries due to collapsing roofs and walls caused by the heavy rains. Similarly, in Lakki Marwat, five people have lost their lives, and over ten individuals have been injured in incidents involving roof collapses.

Rescue1122, the emergency response service, has been actively engaged in relief operations in Karak, Bannu, and Lakki Marwat. The victims affected by these calamities include children and women, underscoring the indiscriminate impact of the disaster.

Torrential Rain Causes Disaster

Torrential rain has transformed numerous areas into disaster zones, resulting in widespread damage. The accompanying hailstorm has severely affected crops and gardens in Bannu. The destruction caused by collapsing roofs and walls has tragically resulted in incidents across the region.

In Bannu’s Shahbaz Khel area, two children tragically lost their lives when a wall collapsed due to the heavy rain. Additionally, houses on Koti Sadat Road were completely destroyed, leading to the burial of children and women under the debris. Relief efforts have commenced in these affected areas.

The local authorities have implemented an emergency response in the affected districts, mobilizing relief operations and medical assistance. Hospitals are on high alert, with emergency measures in place to accommodate the injured.

The devastating rainfall and strong winds have taken a toll on the lives and infrastructure of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Efforts are underway to mitigate the impact of the disaster and provide assistance to the affected individuals and communities.

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