Tourists thrash Italy’s Venice amid UNESCO warnings

Tue Aug 01 2023
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Venice: International tourists thrash Italy’s major city of Venice amid UNESCO’s proposal to include the water city on its endangered list.

UNESCO in its report has said that the Italian authorities have failed to protect the historic city from environmental damage due to excessive tourism.

Environmental groups cautioned that the ships, carrying thousands of tourists harm the city ecosystem.

Venice’s former mayor Massimo Cacciari says UN body doesn’t give Italy any financial assistance to make changes but rather only criticizes the Italian authorities.

Two years ago, UNESCO prosed the inclusion of Venice in the endangered list but changed its decision at the last minute due to some emergency measures by the Italian government.

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UNESCO thinks Italian authorities lack a strategy to address the threat of climate change.

According to UNESCO, about 28 million tourists visit Venice every year which leads to more damage to the city.

The UN body also opposed the construction of high-rise buildings in the area which can have a significant negative impact on the city.

UNESCO has already included 55 World Heritage sites in its endangered list.

Venice has been built on more than 100 islands and is the capital of Italy’s Veneto region. The city has different canals which makes it a major tourist attraction.

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