TTP Chief Noor Wali Mehsud’s Intellectual Inferiority, Religious Ignorance Exposed

Sun Jan 29 2023
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News Desk

The present-day Kharijites were hoping from their so-called Mufti Noor Wali Mehsud – head of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) – that he would present a strong argument in response to the clear stance of Ulema and religious scholars against terrorism and save their Takfiri theory from further disgrace. However, for five consecutive days after being a victim of confusion, Noor Wali Mehsud has finally proved that the real aim of this radical person is to spread religious chaos and terrorism in Pakistan.

In a recent statement, Noor Wali Mehsud mentioned the decree (fatwa) in favor of Jihad, which was actually given after the US attack on Afghanistan, and now after the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan. However, the said decree has no legal status.

Noor Wali Mehsud’s use of several years old and ineffective decrees as an argument against the recent narrative of the prominent religious scholars reflects his religious ignorance and mental retardation. On the one hand, terrorist Noor Wali calls Mufti Taqi Usmani his teacher and on the other hand denies his words, which itself is hypocrisy.

Who gave a fugitive terrorist, extortionist, and kidnapper the right to question the Pakistani state and its scholars? If the terrorists believe in their ideology, instead of the prominent ulemas and religious scholars. Instead of humiliating the ulema, these terrorists need to face the security agencies on the battleground.

It is also worth noting here that Noor Wali Mehsud is talking about imposing an Islamic system, the one under which the TTP spread sedition in the tribal districts and hindered the development of the people. They martyred innocent children and women; young children were made suicide bombers. These terrorists resorted to extortions, kidnappings, cruelties, and extreme brutalities.

The successful operations of the security forces have broken the back of the Khawarij and a new era of development is beginning in the tribal districts. In such a situation, terrorist organizations like TTP are unsuccessfully trying to spread chaos in Pashtun areas at the behest of their foreign masters, which are being defeated by the people and state institutions with mutual cooperation.

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