TTP, ISKP Are Puppets of Pakistan’s Enemies: Analysts

Thu Sep 12 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), and The Islamic State–Khorasan Province (ISKP) are foreign proxies and puppets of enemies of Pakistan, and are used against the country for the vested interests of their foreign masters, analysts said.

While Khawariji TTP and ISKP are superficially at daggers drawn with each other, yet in essence both are the same. These terrorist groups are in reality two sides of the same coin, analysts maintained.

Pakistan has been facing and fighting the “Khawariji terrorists” for the last two decades. These terrorists, while claiming to belong to different terrorist groups are in fact one and the same because of their Khawariji ideology of killing and destruction which has been declared by religious scholars as un-Islamic and haram.

The ISKP recently claimed responsibility for terrorist attacks in South Waziristan, targeting polio workers and a tribal elder vehicle, with two incidents reported in the past two days.

Both groups share a common Khawariji ideology; encompassing un-Islamic, inhuman, immoral and barbaric practices based upon misinterpretation of Islamic teachings.

It is pertinent to mention that the ISKP consists of former commanders and militants of TTP (the First Ameer of ISKP, Hafiz Saeed, was a renowned TTP commander from the Orakzai tribal district). Therefore, in addition to ideology; human resources, terrorist tactics/ activities and targets overlap; affirming the fact that both banned outfits are covertly the same.

Both terrorist groups are foreign proxies and puppets of enemies of Pakistan and are used against Pakistan for the vested interests of their foreign masters.

ISKP abhors the Afghan Taliban; it physically fights them and condemns them in propaganda campaigns. Quite strangely, it has a soft approach towards TTP, strengthening this perception that they are collaborating at the same level. No clashes between TTP and ISKP ever happened and both enjoy safe havens in Afghanistan without any conflict and friction giving credibility to the fact that TTP is using ISKP for deception.

The Khawariji TTP is perpetrating heinous terrorist attacks on civilian targets through ISKP to manage public backlash. While ISKP launches suicide bombers on Ulema, mosques, religious gatherings and groups, the TTP only accept responsibility for terrorist attacks on security forces.

Khawariji TTP and ISKP radicalize youth and force teenagers for “Haram” acts like suicide attacks, on the other hand, a single terrorist leader could not gather the courage to blow himself up with a suicide vest.

The Khawariji TTP and ISKP presence in Afghanistan is a well-documented fact and substantiated through different reports by several security organizations and media outlets, including UNSC reports, US/West think tanks, etc.

Pakistani religious scholars have unanimously declared these terrorist groups and their activities as haram through the Paigham-e-Pakistan fatwa and declared armed struggle in Pakistan as an un-Islamic act.

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