TTP, ISKP Feel No Regret in Killing Fellow Muslims

Wed Nov 01 2023
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PESHAWAR: The Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) has claimed responsibility for the targeted assassination of a local religious scholar in the Mamund area of Bajaur district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

This heinous act underscores the destructive nature of extremist groups, whether it be the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) or ISKP, both of which show no remorse in taking the lives of their fellow Muslims.

The perpetrators behind these acts are indeed a “fasadi fitna,” spreading chaos and discord within society. Their actions, which include the merciless killing of innocent individuals, reveal the extent of their cruelty and brutality.

Islam, as a religion, advocates peace, but these “khawairji” terrorists misinterpret its teachings, twisting the religious tenets to fit their distorted ideology. In a series of devastating terrorist incidents, ISKP has ruthlessly targeted innocent people who do not accept their misguided religious beliefs.

TTP, ISKP Show No Remorse

In this alarming trend, these terrorist organizations seem to forget the universal teachings of Islam, which emphasize the sanctity of innocent lives and equate killing one innocent person to killing all humanity.

It’s important to note that while ISKP and TTP are in conflict with each other and denounce each other as apostates, they are, in essence, two sides of the same coin.

Both are “Khwariji fitna,” responsible for undermining and tarnishing the image of Islam.

The unabashed and blatant responsibility for these acts against innocent civilians serves as a stark reminder of the brutal reality of these terrorist organizations. Such barbaric actions only strengthen the resolve of the nation to eradicate this “khawairji fitna” from Pakistan.

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