Turkish Embassy in Pakistan Marks 8th Anniversary of 2016 Defeated Coup Attempt

Mon Jul 15 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Turkish Embassy in Pakistan on Monday observed the eighth anniversary of the 2016 defeated coup attempt in Turkiye.

The commemoration ceremony took place here in Islamabad attended by a large number of people including the Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Ahmed Naseem Warriach.

Addressing the event, Turkiye’s Ambassador Dr. Mehmet Paçacı said that this year’s commemoration ceremony for Democracy and National Unity Day centers around the theme of “Victory of the Nation.” It marks eight years since the July 15 coup attempt orchestrated by members of the Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organization (FETO), resulting in the martyrdom of 251 citizens and injuries to over 2000 others.

He said that FETO, identified not only as a terrorist organization but also as an espionage entity with cult-like characteristics, initially presented itself as a religious movement promoting education and inter-religious dialogue. However, it concealed its malevolent intentions through systematic infiltration into the military, law enforcement, judiciary, and various government institutions over decades, culminating in the full-scale plot unleashed on July 15, 2016.

Ambassador Paçacı credited the Turkish people for thwarting the threat posed by FETO that night, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to their sovereignty and readiness to defend the state and its democratic achievements. Thousands of civilians courageously took to the streets to halt the coup attempt, with prayers for the martyrs and gratitude extended to veterans and distinguished guests.

Highlighting the international threat posed by FETO, Ambassador Paçacı underscored its ambitions to influence political and economic spheres, operating without regard for host countries’ laws and functioning akin to a criminal and intelligence organization.

He hailed Pakistan for swiftly acting against FETO affiliates following the treacherous coup attempt, noting Pakistan’s designation of FETO as a proscribed organization in December 2018.

He reaffirmed Turkiye’s resolute stance against the FETO International Network and emphasized the universal fight against terrorism, asserting that terrorism transcends language, religion, and race.

Ambassador Paçacı concluded by honoring Turkiye’s historic leaders, including Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and expressing gratitude to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for his leadership during the coup attempt.

Speaking on the occasion, Pakistan’s Additional Foreign Sectary for West Asia and Afghanistan, Ahmad Naseem Warriach, who was also chief guest, said that on July 15, 2016, the entire world witnessed the courage and bravery of the heroes and people of Turkiye. “They demonstrated their resilience and the strength of the democracy. And it was their contribution, which we see is continuing with the progress of Turkiye,” the Additional Foreign Secretary said.
Ahmad Naseem Warraich said Pakistan firmly stand in solidarity with Turkiye. “I take this opportunity to once again reiterate Pakistan’s commitment to our shared vision for peace, progress and prosperity for both countries,” he reaffirmed.

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